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Letters to the editor: November 12, 2015

Community organisations are encouraged to act now and apply for the 2015 round of volunteer grants.After not offering them in 2014, the Federal Government...

Fruitful trip for car club

Old and new members of the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge (ACCMB) met at their clubrooms last month to take part in a...

New look for The Standard

READERS of The Murray Valley Standard will notice a new look for the newspaper from this Thursday.Clients and sharp-eyed readers may already have noticed changes to advertisement sizes in The Standard’s...

Discount pet microchips

On Saturday, November 28, $10 microchips will be offered to pet owners in the Murray Bridge region.Microchips are important to help lost dogs and cats...

No damp spirits

LAST week’s heavy down pour may have hit pause on harvest for a few days but hasn’t significantly affected crops in the region.On Wednesday...

UPDATE: Princes Highway reopens

4.15pm – Monday, November 9:THE Princes Highway in the Coorong, near Forty-two Mile Crossing, has reopened to all traffic. The section of the highway was closed...

Cop waves white ribbon

AFTER years of witnessing the most horrific crimes carried out against women and children, Murray Mallee Senior Sergeant Peter Sims has become a White Ribbon...

Murray Bridge rallies for Riley

HUNDREDS of people are placing teddy bears on their doorsteps in memory of Murray Bridge baby Riley Joel Koch, who passed away at the...

Woman back on her feet after 100 kg weight loss

HELEN James thought she would never walk again after her weight hit 235 kilograms and her legs gave way.For 10 years the Tailem Bend resident needed...

Melodrama, Murder and Mayhem | Photos

Murray Bridge Players and Singers cast members performed The Perils of Penelope Pureheart and A Murder is Announced in Murray Bridge over the weekend.Plenty of people flocked to...

Battle of the gold, green

Cooler weather brought ideal conditions for the Lower Murray Ladies Pennant bowls competition last week. Some surprising results occurred, and this caused some movement...