Mighty good business at Mitre10 store
ADVERTISING FEATUREMURRAY Bridge’s Sixth Street may be closed to traffic at the moment, but the Mitre 10 store is still well and truly open for...
Sandbags issued along the River
State Emergency Services (SES) have begun distributing sandbags to residents, businesses and shack owners along the River Murray in anticipation of very high water...
Car collides with tree at Monteith
A car has reportedly collided with a tree on the Princes Highway just North of the Monteith turnoff today at about 1pm.State Emergency Service (SES),...
Rockleigh to host Carols in the Bush this Sunday
This Sunday why not enjoy listening to your favourite Christmas carols played by the South Australian Police Band in a night of entertainment. Christmas...
Santa Claus comes to town
Boys and girls around the Murraylands will line the streets this weekend for the annual Murray Bridge Christmas pageant, welcoming Father Christmas to town. It...
Funding to reach isolated children
A mobile library and support staff will reach rural children in need after a service in Mannum received $45,673 in funding last month.Mid Murray Support Service...
Campaign puts spotlight on country driving
At the time of print, 79 people have died and 611 have been seriously injured on South Australian roads in 2016. But that ominous...
All Steamed Up at Mannum riverfront
The second All Steamed Up Boats, Blacksmiths and Engines Festival will be held this weekend on Saturday and Sunday at Mannum.The festival will bring...