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Wastewater decision made

An almost three-year long debate appears to be over for now, with the Rural City of Murray Bridge coming to a resolution at this...

Business continues to grow

A Murraylands company has secured a major project in Adelaide which will not only put it on the map, but ensure economic growth for...

Discover what’s on in the Murraylands

ADVICE AVAILABLE GOAL SETTING - Friday, February 14, Murray Bridge Library, from 4pm. Learn how to set short and long term goals and how...

Digital Edition


Tennis returns to ‘Bridge

After missing out last week because of hot weather, tennis players from the Murray Bridge Lawn Tennis Association were in action on Saturday. SENIORS Postels 8-70...

Close games around rinks

Bowling action was on point in round 15 of the Lower Murray Bowling Association games played on Saturday. KAROONDA v RSL A one shot home loss...

Night owl bowls kicks off

Night Owls lawn bowls was alive and well on Friday night as teams from Murray Bridge and Lobethal met for the annual interclub event. There...

Falcons remain strong

On Sunday at Strathalbyn Oval, the Eastern Falcons played against Gaza in round 13 of the ATCA Women’s Second Grade competition. The Falcons won the...

Little athletes still winning

A group of 44 athletes attended our last holiday meet before heading back to school. Even with lower attendance, our athletes still achieved 38 personal...

Senior tennis players take to courts to represent region

Five local players and one non-playing supporter represented the Murraylands in the Australian Seniors Tennis Championships held in Adelaide in early January. The players represented...


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Mannum causes an upset

Mannum has upset Mypolonga just two weeks before the Murray Towns cricket finals are set to begin, which will give them confidence when they...

Residents want the truth

LOCALS WANT TRUST Placing the Coorong under the care of an independent trust may be the best way to stop it being used as a...

Government set to crack down on copper, scrap metal theft

The State Government has promised a suite of law reforms which will crackdown on the theft of copper and other scrap metal. Latest data has...

Whispers of the Past opens

A new photographic exhibition in Mannum, Whispers of the Past, held its official opening on Thursday, January 6, bringing the community together to celebrate...

Special places, special day

If you are looking to spend romantic time with your partner on Valentine’s Day there are many places where you can enjoy the day. PICNIC:...